All chips now share a boxier shape with rounded corners, updated color mappings, and dynamic color compatibility. Action chips are now further defined as assist or suggestion chips. Choice chips are now a subset of filter chips.
- open_in_new
Chips in Material Design 3
Chips allow users to enter information, make selections, filter content, or trigger actions. While buttons are expected to appear consistently and with familiar calls to action, chips should appear dynamically as a group of multiple interactive elements.
Chips are compact components that represent discrete information.
Chips should have a clear and helpful relationship to the content or task they represent.
Chips should make tasks easier to complete, or content easier to sort.
Input chips represent information used in fields, such as an entity or different attributes.
In sets that contain at least two options, choice chips represent a single selection.
Filter chips represent filters for a collection.
Action chips trigger actions related to primary content.
1. Container
Chip containers hold all chip elements, and their size is determined by those elements. A container can also be defined by a stroke.
2. Thumbnail [optional]
Thumbnails identify entities (like individuals) by displaying an avatar, logo, or icon.
3. Text
Chip text can be an entity name, description, tag, action, or conversational.
4. Remove icon [optional]
Input chips can include a Remove icon.
Input chips
Input chips represent a complex piece of information in compact form, such as an entity (person, place, or thing) or text. They enable user input...
Input chips represent a complex piece of information in compact form, such as an entity (person, place, or thing) or text. They enable user input and verify that input by converting text into chips.
Input chips are predictive, editable, movable, expandable, and appear in groups.
Input chips transform text based on user input.
An input chip’s text is editable until the user takes an action with the chip, such as sending an email. To edit an input chip’s text, tap the chip.
If text input is not recognized by the system, input chips can display an error state.
A single field can contain multiple input chips.
Input chips can be reordered or moved into other fields.
Input chips can expand to show more information or options. A container transform transition pattern is used to reveal additional content.
Input chips work together with other UI elements.
Input chips can be integrated with other components. They can appear:
- Inline with the text input cursor in a field
- In a stacked list
- In a horizontally scrollable list
Input chips states
Choice chips
Choice chips allow selection of a single chip from a set of options. Choice chips clearly delineate and display options in a compact area. They...
Choice chips allow selection of a single chip from a set of options.
Choice chips clearly delineate and display options in a compact area. They are a good alternative to toggle buttons, radio buttons, and single select menus.
Selecting a single choice chip automatically deselects all other chips in the set.
Selecting a single choice chip automatically deselects all other chips in the set.
Choice chips appear as part of a series of other choice chips. They are typically displayed horizontally and sequentially. An overlay is a semi-transparent covering...
Choice chips appear as part of a series of other choice chips. They are typically displayed horizontally and sequentially.
Choice chips states
Filter chips
Filter chips use tags or descriptive words to filter content. Filter chips clearly delineate and display options in a compact area. They are a good...
Filter chips use tags or descriptive words to filter content.
Filter chips clearly delineate and display options in a compact area. They are a good alternative to toggle buttons or checkboxes.
Tap a chip to select it. Multiple chips can be selected or unselected.
Tap a chip to select it. Multiple chips can be selected or unselected.
Filter chips can live with other elements in a UI.
Choice chips states
Action chips
Action chips offer actions related to primary content. They should appear dynamically and contextually in a UI. An alternative to action chips are buttons, which...
Action chips offer actions related to primary content. They should appear dynamically and contextually in a UI.
An alternative to action chips are buttons, which should appear persistently and consistently.
Action chips can trigger an action or show progress and confirmation.
Action chips can trigger an action or show progress and confirmation.
Action chips are displayed after primary content, such as below a card or persistently at the bottom of a screen. Buttons allow users to take...
Action chips are displayed after primary content, such as below a card or persistently at the bottom of a screen.
Choice chips states
Reply Material theme
This email app’s input chips have been customized using Material Theming. Areas of customization include color, typography, and shape. Reply is an email app that...
This email app’s input chips have been customized using Material Theming. Areas of customization include color, typography, and shape.
Reply’s input chips use custom color on two elements: text, container.
Element | Category | Attribute | Value |
Text | On Surface | Color Opacity |
#232F34 100% |
Container | On Surface | Color Opacity |
#232F34 12% |
Reply’s input chips use custom typography for the text.
Element | Category | Attribute | Value |
Text | Body 2 | Typeface Font Size Case |
Work Sans Regular 15 Sentence case |
Reply’s input chip containers have custom corner shapes.
Element | Category | Attribute | Value |
Container | Small component | Family Size |
Rounded 50% |
Shrine Material theme
Choice chips with customized shape, color, and typography.
This retail app’s choice chips have been customized using Material Theming. Areas of customization include color, typography, and shape.
Shrine’s choice chips use custom color on four elements: selected container, selected text, unselected container, and unselected text.
Element | Category | Attribute | Value |
Selected container | Primary | Color Opacity |
#FEDBD0 100% |
Selected text | On Primary | Color Opacity |
#442C2E 100% |
Unselected text | On Surface | Color Opacity |
#442C2E 100% |
Unselected container | On Surface | Color Opacity |
#442C2E 12% |
Shrine’s choice chips use custom typography for the text.
Element | Category | Attribute | Value |
Text | Body 2 | Typeface Font Size Case |
Rubik Medium 14 Sentence case |
Shrine’s choice chip containers have custom corner shapes. Shrine’s chips use an override of the small component shape category family and size values.
Element | Category | Attribute | Value |
Container | Override* | Family Size |
Rounded 4dp;4dp;4dp;4dp |
Fortnightly Material theme
Filter chips with customized shape, color, and typography.
This news app’s filter chips have been customized using Material Theming. Areas of customization include color, typography, and shape.
Fortnightly’s filter chips use custom color on two elements: text, and container stroke.
Element | Category | Attribute | Value |
Text | On Surface | Color Opacity |
#000000 87% |
Container stroke | On Surface | Color Opacity |
#000000 12% |
Fortnightly’s filter chips use custom typography for the text.
Element | Category | Attribute | Value |
Text | Body 2 | Typeface Font Size Case |
Libre Franklin Regular 14 Title case |
Fortnightly’s filter chip containers have custom corner shapes, with 0dp cut corners.
Element | Category | Attribute | Value |
Container | Small component | Family Size |
Cut 0dp;0dp;0dp;0dp |
Action chip
- 32 Measurement 32
- 12 Measurement 12
- 12 Measurement 12
- C Measurement C
R0 G0 B0 A0.12
- Shape
All corners
Rounded: 16dp

Outlined action chip
- 4 Measurement 4
- 12 Measurement 12
- 8 Measurement 8
- 1 Measurement 1
- 32 Measurement 32
- 24 Measurement 24
- C Measurement C
- Shape
All corners
Rounded: 16dp

Choice chip
- 12 Measurement 12
- 12 Measurement 12
- 32 Measurement 32
- C Measurement C
R0 G0 B0 A0.12
- Shape
All corners
Rounded: 16dp
flip Specs only available at larger screen size
Choice chip
- 12 Measurement 12
- 12 Measurement 12
- 32 Measurement 32
- C Measurement C
R0 G0 B0 A0.12
- Shape
All corners
Rounded: 16dp

Filter chip
- 12 Measurement 12
- C Measurement C
- 32 Measurement 32
- 12 Measurement 12
R0 G0 B0 A0.12
- Shape
All corners
Rounded: 16dp
flip Specs only available at larger screen size
Filter chip
- 12 Measurement 12
- C Measurement C
- 32 Measurement 32
- 12 Measurement 12
R0 G0 B0 A0.12
- Shape
All corners
Rounded: 16dp

Input chips
- 4dp Measurement 4dp
- 8 Measurement 8
- 8 Measurement 8
- 32 Measurement 32
- C Measurement C
- 24 Measurement 24
- 18 Measurement 18
- 8 Measurement 8
R0 G0 B0 A0.12
- Shape
All corners
Rounded: 16dp
flip Specs only available at larger screen size
Input chips
- 4dp Measurement 4dp
- 8 Measurement 8
- 8 Measurement 8
- 32 Measurement 32
- C Measurement C
- 24 Measurement 24
- 18 Measurement 18
- 8 Measurement 8
R0 G0 B0 A0.12
- Shape
All corners
Rounded: 16dp

Chips in groups
- 8 Measurement 8
R0 G0 B0 A0.12
- Shape
All corners
Rounded: 16dp