Selection controls: switches

Selection controls allow the user to select options.

Switches toggle the state of a single setting on or off. They are the preferred way to adjust settings on mobile.

Switch hero example for menu options


Using switches

Use switches to:

  • Toggle a single item on or off, on mobile and tablet
  • Immediately activate or deactivate something

Installing switches


JavaScript instantiation

The switch requires JavaScript to function, so it is necessary to instantiate MDCSwitch on the mdc-switch element.

Note: See Importing the JS component for more information on how to import JavaScript.


Switch example

Switch states

Switches can be on or off. Switches have enabled, hover, focused, and pressed states.

Switch states in a table. Columns are enabled, disabled, hover, focused,
pressed. Rows are on or off.

Other variants

Initially disabled switch

Add the disabled attribute to the mdc-switch element to disable the switch. This logic is handled by the MDCSwitch.disabled property, but you'll want to avoid a FOUC by initially adding this attribute.

Initially "on" switch

Add the mdc-switch--selected class and aria-checked="true" attribute to the mdc-switch element to toggle the switch to "on". This logic is handled by the MDCSwitch.selected method, but you'll want to avoid a FOUC by initially adding this class and attribute.


CSS classes

CSS ClassDescription
mdc-switchMandatory, for the parent element.
mdc-switch--unselectedOptional, styles the switch as unselected ("off")
mdc-switch--selectedOptional, styles the switch as selected ("on")
mdc-switch__trackMandatory, for the track element.
mdc-switch__handle-trackMandatory, for the handle's track element.
mdc-switch__handleMandatory, for the handle element.
mdc-switch__shadowMandatory, for the shadow effect.
mdc-elevation-overlayMandatory, for the shadow effect's overlay in dark mode.
mdc-switch__rippleMandatory, for the ripple effect.
mdc-switch__iconsMandatory, for the icons.
mdc-switch__iconMandatory, for the icon elements.
mdc-switch__icon--onMandatory, for the on icon.
mdc-switch__icon--offMandatory, for the off icon.

Theme mixin

The switch may be customized using the theme() mixin and providing an MDC Theme string (such as primary) or other values to the theme keys.

View the theme file for available keys and built-in themes.

MDCSwitch properties

PropertyValue TypeDescription
disabledBooleanIndicates whether or not the switch is disabled.
selectedBooleanIf true, the switch is on. If false, the switch is off.

Usage within web frameworks

If you are using a JavaScript framework, such as React or Angular, you can create a switch for your framework. Depending on your needs, you can use the Simple Approach: Wrapping MDC Web Vanilla Components, or the Advanced Approach: Using Foundations and Adapters. Please follow the instructions here.

See MDCSwitchAdapter and MDCSwitchFoundation for up-to-date code documentation of switch's foundation API.