Adjusting Grade for Mode
Consider this scenario: you’re designing a product that has both a light mode and dark mode. You’ve heard that text in dark mode might be easier to read if it’s more bold. You’d like to make sure your users can have an equally delightful (and highly readable!) experience across both light mode and dark mode. How do you find exactly how bold the text should be to be similarly readable across both modes?
If that’s a scenario you’ve found yourself in… well, you and I are in the same boat. As researchers on the Material Design team, we were recently asked this very question.
This blog post will describe, first, how we answered that question; second, what we found; and third, how might you use the method we describe here to use Variable Fonts to improve readability for your products, and your users.
Let’s dive in!
First: How we answered the question, what font grade is equally readable in light mode versus dark mode?
Before we get started, let’s make sure we all understand what variable fonts are. The best way to describe variable fonts may be in comparison to traditional fonts. Traditional fonts, for instance, need a different font file for every available style, like thin, normal, or bold (see the image below for an example). Historically, letters were cast in metal and foundries would create a new letter set for each style, and traditional digital fonts still follow this pattern.
Variable fonts, however, provide the ability to use type as software and benefit from the flexibility that digital media can provide. Rather than requiring a new font file for every style, variable fonts provide the ability to modify the design of your text along a continuous scale for a number of visual characteristics. So, rather than requiring three font files to display thin, normal, or bold fonts, you can use the same variable font to display every weight on a continuous scale, from the very thinnest possible style to the very boldest.
Similar to the weight variable font characteristic, you can also modify text grade. Grade can be thought of like weight in most ways, but grade maintains text width, so you can increase grade from the minimum to the maximum values while minimizing the impact on the overall design of text blocks or causing line reflows. An example of text cycling through the minimum to maximum grade values for a Variable Font is shown below.
Now that we’re on the same page with variable fonts and grade, how might we approach the question: What font grade is equally readable in light mode versus dark mode? To answer this question, along with oh-so-many other questions we’ve been asked, we designed an experiment.
Our experiment was pretty simple: we designed a prototype that would show study participants a two word phrase. We asked participants to read the phrase, remember it, and then hit the enter key. Once they hit the enter key the phrase would disappear, and we asked participants to type the same two word phrase into a text box. We measured, first, the time it took participants to read the phrase; second, the time it took to type their response; and third, the accuracy of their response, allowing “correct” responses to include minor misspellings.
And that’s pretty much it! This is one of those instances where a straightforward question really does benefit from a straightforward experiment.
If you’re still curious about the details of our study design, here’s a brief rundown that will hopefully help you tackle readability questions in a similar way.
Second: What we found
This part is easy because we can describe all our results in a single graph:
From a quick glance at this graph we can see a couple things right away. First, readability in dark mode (the blue line, on top) appears to be consistently higher than readability in light mode (the orange line, below). And second, while readability in dark mode appears to be relatively stable across values of grade, readability in light mode appears to improve as grade values increase (that is, the time to read a phrase decreases as the value for grade increases, shown by the orange line going down and to the right). But are these apparent differences significant, in the statistical sense? We had three main findings, described below using the same graph.
First, we didn’t find any impact of grade on readability for dark mode. What does this mean, you might be asking? Are you free to run wild and use any value of grade in dark mode wherever you want, willy nilly, without fear of repercussion or rebuke?
Not quite. While we didn’t find a significant impact of grade on readability in dark mode, it’s possible that in other contexts—for instance, reading long paragraphs instead of short phrases—the difference might be significant. But for the contexts we tested, we’d suggest that design can select a value of grade they feel is most appealing, without that grade value negatively impacting readability.
Second, we did find a significant difference between the lowest and highest values of grade in light mode. As the graph above shows, readability appears to gradually increase (i.e., reading time decreases) as the grade value increases. You can see the greatest difference between the reading time grade at 150 versus grade at -112.5 is about a tenth of a second (1.92 to 2.02 seconds). This may not sound like a lot, but remember that this is the average difference in time it takes to read two short words—that difference can add up!
So what does this mean? Basically, in light mode, higher values of grade result in text that is more readable. This difference doesn’t appear to exist when the grade value is 0 (the default), so increasing grade arbitrarily from the default won’t improve readability significantly. But if you’re considering adopting the minimum value of grade (i.e., -200 in the graph above), you should be sensitive to the fact that this may have an adverse impact on the readability of your text. Which is not to say that you should never use these values, but consider using them in a context where that impact is balanced by the aesthetic or brand goals you’re trying to achieve.
And third, we did find a significant difference between the highest values of grade in light mode, and most values of grade in dark mode above around -115. This is where it gets interesting (I mean, I think the whole thing above was interesting too, but this is where we get to answer the question we set out to answer, around finding equivalent readability between dark and light modes). This graph allows us to draw two final conclusions.
First, if we’re looking to identify grade values that result in equivalent readability between light and dark mode, when you’re using the highest values of grade in light mode, you’ll need to approach the lowest values of grade in dark mode before you’ll start to see equivalent readability (i.e., before you’ll start to see reading times that aren’t significantly different between light and dark modes).
However, the visual difference between minimum and maximum grade values is a dramatic change! If you’re using the maximum grade value in light mode and are creating an equivalent dark mode, consider the balance between equivalent readability and equivalent visual design—you may be able to approach equivalent readability by minimizing grade in dark mode, but you should be sensitive to the impact this may have on how people perceive the two modes of your product as complimentary.
And last, revisiting the question we set out to answer at the top: what font grade is equally readable in light mode versus dark mode? We can now answer: if you’re using the default value of grade (0), our results suggest there is not a significant difference in readability between light and dark mode. So, in the context we tested, there is no need to modify grade between light and dark modes to achieve equivalent readability.
And that, is how I met your mother. Jk, but that’s pretty much how we tackled this research question, and how you might be able to tackle similar questions for your own products, in your own contexts.
Third: Where you can go from here
I hope the above shows you a bit more clearly how you might collect and interpret data that allows you to more effectively measure text readability. A reasonable next question might be: where do we go from here? How might we use this information to build better experiences?
Most immediately, I’d suggest that the above should provide a more clear path towards understanding and improving readability for a specific audience in a known context. If you know who is using your products and how those products are being used, you should be able to adopt the above approach to fine tune text design for those specific contexts of use.
More broadly, though, I think there’s a huge opportunity to use approaches like the one described above to not only iteratively improve existing product experiences, but to envision new ways of making interactions more usable and more accessible in any situation.
Consider for example designing a product that can be used both when you’re right next to it or when you’re across the room.
Using the approach we’ve described above, you can start to optimize for readability no matter how the product is used. With this type of approach, we can start to move from readability and accessibility as a static and stable factor in design, to a future where accessibility can be sensitive to any situation, and even to any individual person.
This is a pretty neat future, I think. And I’m excited to continue doing the work that helps us get there.