Bottom navigation bars display three to five destinations at the bottom of a screen. Each destination is represented by an icon and an optional text label. When a bottom navigation icon is tapped, the user is taken to the top-level navigation destination associated with that icon.
The bottom navigation bar is easy to reach on a handheld mobile device.
When used, the bottom navigation bar appears at the bottom of every screen.
Bottom navigation bar destinations should be of equal importance.
1. Container
2. Inactive icon
3. Inactive text label
4. Active icon
5. Active text label
Bottom navigation destinations may be active, inactive, focused or pressed.
Bottom navigation uses opacity and text to show when a destination is active. States are used to show pressed, focused, and unselected states.
Inactive destination states are represented with reduced opacities; active states have full opacity.
2. An active destination
When text labels are not used persistently (at all times), only active destinations are given text labels.
2. An active destination with a text label
Material Design conducted research to understand the usability and design preferences for embedding a floating action button (FAB) in the bottom navigation bar. Preferences and rankings for the different designs were gathered from around 650 participants from the United States, twenty from India and ten from Brazil.
Research findings included:
- Across all locations, participants liked the bottom navigation bar with an embedded, centered FAB because of the aesthetic and ergonomic benefits.
- Across all locations, participants appreciated when navigation or common actions were incorporated in an easy-to-access area like the bottom navigation bar.
- Design preferences for the shape of the bar varied by location. While many participants in the United States and Brazil favored the
mini FAB , participants in India preferred aninset or overlapping FAB .