About Basil
Basil allows users to browse recipes curated by a group of chefs and bartenders. Its brand and app are designed to be approachable, direct, and delightfully surprising.
Funky but functional aesthetic
Basil’s bold typography and color are paired with a simple approach to content, creating an app that is exciting to explore, and easy to understand.
Product architecture
The Basil app’s information architecture has a catalog structure. A catalog contains categorized, hierarchical data, with a top level consisting of peers which may each contain subordinate data.
Four top-level sections
Basil’s app is divided into four top-level sections that cover different types of recipes: appetizers, entrées, desserts, and cocktails. Each of these contains a number of recipes, which contain two sub-sections: ingredients and directions.
A novel approach to navigation
While navigation drawers are often used for catalog structures, Basil’s interaction model uses a number of components to create an experience that is novel and sometimes surprising.
Desktop and tablet navigation
On desktop and tablet, Basil’s main sections are accessible through persistent tabs. Vertically scroll each section to browse recipes on desktop, and horizontally scroll to...
On desktop and tablet, Basil’s main sections are accessible through persistent tabs. Vertically scroll each section to browse recipes on desktop, and horizontally scroll to browse on tablet.
When a recipe is selected, tabs are used to toggle between ingredients and directions. Directions are displayed using a customized stepper component.
Mobile navigation
On mobile, Basil’s main sections can be accessed by swiping down to reveal a navigation drawer. Navigation drawers provide access to the navigation destinations of...
On mobile, Basil’s main sections can be accessed by swiping down to reveal a navigation drawer.
After a section is selected, horizontally scroll to browse the recipes within it.
When a recipe is selected, tabs at the bottom provide access to ingredients and directions.
When one of the tabs is selected, a bottom sheet animates up to fill the screen with selected content. In that sheet users can toggle between ingredients and directions on this sheet, or swipe down to move it off-screen.
Grid system
Basil uses a responsive grid system, which has flexible columns and padding that can resize depending on the screen width (such as mobile, tablet, or...
Basil uses a responsive grid system, which has flexible columns and padding that can resize depending on the screen width (such as mobile, tablet, or desktop).
Basil center-aligns type to sections of its layout grid.
Basil’s headline responsively changes type size to fill the width of the screen on mobile.
Basil doesn’t use shadow to show elevation between UI elements. Instead, content is placed at different elevations which are distinguished using parallax motion and opacity....
Basil doesn’t use shadow to show elevation between UI elements. Instead, content is placed at different elevations which are distinguished using parallax motion and opacity.
Basil expresses elevation differences by using transparency to show stacked layers of UI elements.
When text scrolls above imagery, a duotone image treatment ensures text remains legible.
Color theme
The Material Design color system helps you choose colors for your user interface. Related Article arrow_downward In a UI, color has a variety of roles:...
Basil uses a color theme inspired by the deep and rich colors from fruits and vegetables:
- Basil’s primary color is olive green
- Basil’s secondary color is orange
2. Lekton
Type scale
Basil’s type scale uses two typefaces: Montserrat, and Lekton. The two typefaces make a quirky pair, adding to the character of Basil. Use typography to...
Basil’s type scale uses two typefaces:
Montserrat is a sans serif font with wide letterforms. Basil uses it as a display typeface, as well as for body, caption, and button text....
Montserrat is a sans serif font with wide letterforms. Basil uses it as a display typeface, as well as for body, caption, and button text.
Lekton is inspired by some of the typefaces used in Olivetti typewriters. The glyphs are ‘trispaced,’ meaning they are all built using the same three...
Lekton is inspired by some of the typefaces used in Olivetti typewriters. The glyphs are ‘trispaced,’ meaning they are all built using the same three modular units. The typeface has a predictable vertical alignment of characters, similar to a monospace font. Lekton is used for Basil’s smaller headlines, and subtitles.
Basil’s custom icons are designed with a simple, whimsical quality to help make content feel approachable.
Basil’s icons use its primary color (olive green). Basil’s secondary color (orange) is used on iconography to indicate if a food type is not included (such as gluten or dairy).
Components are grouped into shape categories based on their size. These categories let you set multiple component values at once. Shape categories include:
Components are grouped into shape categories based on their size. These categories let you set multiple component values at once. Shape categories include:
- Small components
- Medium components
- Large components
2. Medium components
3. Large components
Small components
The tooltip component has square corners with a 0dp corner radius. Component Category Attribute Value Tooltip Small components Family Size Rounded 0dp;0dp;0dp;0dp
The tooltip component has square corners with a 0dp corner radius.
Component | Category | Attribute | Value |
Tooltip | Small components | Family Size |
Rounded 0dp;0dp;0dp;0dp |
Medium components
The menu component has rounded corners with a 0dp corner radius. Component Category Attribute Value Menu Medium components Family Size Rounded 0dp;0dp;0dp;0dp
The menu component has rounded corners with a 0dp corner radius.
Component | Category | Attribute | Value |
Menu | Medium components | Family Size |
Rounded 0dp;0dp;0dp;0dp |
Large components
Standard bottom sheets (in their collapsed state) have rounded top corners with a 0dp corner radius. Component Category Attribute Value Standard bottom sheet Large components...
Standard bottom sheets (in their collapsed state) have rounded top corners with a 0dp corner radius.
Component | Category | Attribute | Value |
Standard bottom sheet | Large components | Family Size |
Rounded 0dp;0dp;n/a;n/a* |
*Bottom sheets can only shape their top-left and top-right corners.
Basil displays ingredients for each recipe using the list component. Each list uses Basil’s typography and iconography, customized with a line of dots that connect...
Basil displays ingredients for each recipe using the list component. Each list uses Basil’s typography and iconography, customized with a line of dots that connect each ingredient to a quantity.
Bottom sheet
On mobile, Basil uses an expanding bottom sheet to provide recipe ingredients and directions. Upon tapping a tab, a full-screen sheet appears in front of...
On mobile, Basil uses an expanding bottom sheet to provide recipe ingredients and directions.
Upon tapping a tab, a full-screen sheet appears in front of the content. The user can toggle between recipe ingredients and directions on this sheet.
The sheet’s background has a slight transparency to let the user know the sheet is above the screen that generated it, and that the user can dismiss the sheet at any time.
On desktop and tablet, Basil uses tabs to navigate between sections. The tabs are distributed equally across a fixed width region, which is aligned to...
On desktop and tablet, Basil uses tabs to navigate between sections. The tabs are distributed equally across a fixed width region, which is aligned to the center of the screen.
2. Basil’s desktop and tablet navigation tabs use custom typography, color, and states. The custom selected state changes text to a heavier font weight. (Scaled down to 62.5%)
On mobile, tabs allow users to toggle between recipe ingredients and directions. By default, these tabs are displayed at the bottom of a recipe screen. Upon selection, they move to the top of the screen and attach to a surface that allows users to toggle between them.
2. Basil’s recipe tabs use custom typography, color, and states. The custom selected state includes a stroke under the selected tab text, which also changes to a heavier font weight.
Basil uses non-linear steppers for recipe directions, so users can move between the different steps in any order they want. Steppers use Basil’s typography and...
Basil uses non-linear steppers for recipe directions, so users can move between the different steps in any order they want. Steppers use Basil’s typography and color scheme, with customized vertical spacing.
(2) Basil’s stepper appears on the right side of the screen.
Launch screen
Basil’s logo animation plays off the use of parallax throughout the app. The subtle overshoot on the bottom arrow encourages the user to navigate vertically...
Basil’s logo animation plays off the use of parallax throughout the app. The subtle overshoot on the bottom arrow encourages the user to navigate vertically and explore.
Navigation transitions
Basil makes use of emphasized easing, parallax, and condensed transitions when navigating the app. Parallax is used to indicate the elevation between elements and to...
Basil makes use of emphasized easing, parallax, and condensed transitions when navigating the app.
Parallax is used to indicate the elevation between elements and to add visual interest during transitions.
Tablet and desktop
On tablet and desktop, Basil uses condensed transitions to keep the transitions simple and clean. A translation in the z-axis is combined with a fade-through animation to create the condensed transition.
Components like steppers use stretch motion to add an unexpected and delightful tone to simple interactions.
Components like steppers use stretch motion to add an unexpected and delightful tone to simple interactions.